Advantages of Divorce Mediation

December 29, 2017 Posted in Divorce

Divorce is difficult; there is no getting around that. However, mediation can improve the experience and result in a more equitable divorce judgment. Mediation reduces costs and time of your divorce, minimizes your stress and helps you reach the best decisions for your children.

Reducing Costs and Time

Dallas courts carry heavy caseloads that have become increasingly backlogged. You might have to wait months to schedule your case on the docket in even a relatively straightforward divorce. Instead of waiting, you could schedule mediation within days. Once you have reached an agreement, the court will finalize your divorce quickly. In addition to saving you time, mediation also cuts the costs that you would have expended on lawyers’ fees, court fees and other expenses related to taking your divorce to trial.

Minimizing Stress

A courtroom or a judge’s chambers can be an intimidating place, which can add stress to an already tense divorce. The role of the judge is to make decisions and give orders.

Conversely, mediation occurs in a more comfortable setting, typically a conference room or lawyer’s office, and often with refreshments and private rooms available to regroup between negotiation sessions. The mediator is responsible for helping the parties find common ground and guiding you toward agreement on matters in dispute.

Why Parents Choose to Mediate

Even during this challenging experience, parents can typically agree that they want what is best for their children. In putting your children first, you may consider mediation to:

  • Foster cooperation. You have made great efforts to protect your children throughout your divorce. One of the most important factors is the relationship between you and the other parent. Divorce mediation establishes a cordial relationship and fosters cooperation in your children’s affairs that will carry forward in the years to come.
  • Create the best parenting plan. Texas offers a template parenting plan that the courts will generally follow if parents cannot agree. However, this may not be the best arrangement for you or your children. Instead of leaving this decision up to the courts, mediation allows you to come to an agreement that is most beneficial to all stakeholders.
  • Handle unique circumstances. You or your child may have unique needs that don’t fit squarely in a standard divorce judgment. For example, does your child have a disability? Does she have a special skill or interest you want to encourage? Is he having difficulty adapting to his parents’ separation? Parents can work together during mediation to create solutions that are best for your child.

Reaching the Most Equitable Settlement Possible

Ultimately, parties in mediation typically get more of what they want. Mediation allows you to fight for your priorities and concede on issues of lesser importance to you.

Our Dallas divorce attorney Michael P Granata develops a negotiating strategy to reach the best possible settlement. For more information on divorce mediation, contact the firm today at (214) 977-9050.